I have a lot to say. Some of it might be bullshit.

The world is making me cranky.  Here I am all trying to work on gaining insight, and the world keeps distracting me by being a total shit storm. (Yes, I do curse like a drunken sailor on leave).  Normally I am able to avoid getting caught up in the world. I pay attention, but it doesn’t hook me. Well,  throw me in a cooler and fillet me later, cause I am hooked.

cranky fish

Which of course, makes me cranky. Add to the fact that so much of what is going on today is triggering for me and millions of other women. Well, let’s just say that trying to walk the path of equanimity is getting to be very hard.  So much of the world is awful right now. Politics? Shitshow. Entertainment? Male power dynamic shitshow. Popular culture? A reality TV-centric shitshow.  We elected a barely functioning imbecile because he’s the guy who said “You’re fired!” on TV.  Fame has become more important than competence.

stupid question

So, what’s a girl to do?  I know this is all a lesson, and I should look at my reactions and emotions.  Okay. Honestly, meditation isn’t quite cutting it for me at the moment.  So, I’m going to vent. I am going to say some things that are not representative of who I really want to be.  But, it’s who I am now, and who I am is one pissed off Buddhist.  So, I’m not going to hold my anger in. I’m going to let it out, let it roam free. Maybe it will make someone else think, or laugh, or no one will ever read it.  Regardless, I’m not drinking that shit.

anger drink

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