It’s Never NOT Been Okay To Be White, Dumbass.

Where to even start with this shit.  It seems that most white people think they are being oppressed.  Stop laughing, no really.  Fifty-five percent to be exact think that there is discrimination against white people. I asked you to stop laughing.  They feel that being white makes them less equal…that minorities have more privilege and “get more” than they do.  It’s funny until you realize that these are the same people who put Donald Fucking Trump in the White House.


How is this possible? Obviously, it’s patently untrue and provably so.  I could pull statistics out of my ass all the do dah day that prove that white people still hold the most power and privilege.  So, what’s the deal?  There’s one vital statistic that explains it easily.  When I was a wee Cranky Buddhist my Father told me “The average IQ in America is 100.”  I asked him what that meant. “Half the population is below that.”


We Americans are easily suggestible.  While we like to envision ourselves as rugged individualists, we are as swayed by propaganda as easily as any other group. (Remember the Maine!)  We also believe ourselves to be benevolent and fair-minded. Why anyone in America can succeed if they work hard enough! Americans bought the idea that we have all been playing on an even field.  Any time you win, it’s because you worked harder and deserved it.  We’ve been told that everything we have, good and bad, is performance based. We all start with the same chance, if you fail, it’s your fault. loser

So,  most white people believe they’ve earned all the power and privilege that they have.  They’ve worked harder.  The social and economic success is a result of what can only be a superior work ethic.  White folks think they deserve to have it all, no one works harder or has had more success.  They are dominant in almost every area of American life and culture for that reason.   There is nobody prouder of America than a white American.  Why?  Because they see it as theirs.


So, you have a base of not too bright Americans who are also, paradoxically entitled as fuck.  They’ve had the run of the nation for so long and that’s been great for them for the most part.  Things change.  Corporations and the rich are calling the shots now.  A kleptocracy is in charge. The wholesale looting of America is happening right now.  What better way to divert the attention of the yokelery than to play on white America’s insecurity about race?


There has been a steady drumbeat of tales of threats to white people from the Right. Immigration, black crime, Muslims…nonstop shrill warnings of “others” coming for what we have. Your tax dollars going to welfare queens who drive nicer cars than you.  Black lives matter. Police unable to do their jobs. It’s constant stream of nationalist propaganda and it’s telling white America that they’re hated and under attack.  They’re afraid, afraid of losing what they feel is theirs.  Afraid of losing what they’ve worked so hard for, what they feel they won fair and square.  So they’ve become even more selfish and defensive.  It’s all built on lies.  Billionaires are picking their pockets and they’re blaming the wrong people. Blaming the people the pickpockets told them to blame.








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