The Shadows That Follow Me

I started noticing them a few years ago.  We all see the little movements out of the corner of our eyes that startle us. I had those too, but at some point they developed more, I don’t know, substance.  Generally I’d see them at twilight or in the dim light of the bedroom.  They started out as just formless patches the light didn’t enter. Black blobs in my peripheral vision, there was nothing frightening about them.  There are a few scientific explanations for this.  I am a rational person so I never thought much about it. I certainly wasn’t scared of them.  I did not believe in the supernatural per se. Everything paranormal was just something that science couldn’t explain yet.


Over time I noticed the blobs became more defined, taking on actually human shape.  Most were rather small.  I would always have more than one, generally 3 to 5. I would just see them sort of “milling” about around my bed.  The first few times this happened, I was completely freaked out.  I wasn’t afraid of them…I thought I might be having a stroke or some kind of brain event.  There had to be some physical explanation.  Normal healthy people do not see little shadow people in their bedrooms. Yet, I seemed to be both of those. I still only saw them at night for the most part, so I could still sort of rationally explain them as tricks of perception or light.


One night I was alone, I’d recently separated and moved into a new place.  I was lying in bed just listening to music.  I have a salt lamp in my bedroom so it was not even dark, just sort of dim.  From my bed you can see the door in the living room that leads to my balcony.  I’m on the second floor.  I saw partially out of the corner of my eye and partially full on a solid black shadow of a man pass my window on that door.  There was no one on my balcony. I could have heard them, plus how would they even get up there.  This wasn’t a shadow in the normal sense.  This was far blacker than any shadow I ever saw. It had a solidity and presence to it. It was also an adult human size.  This was the first real time I was frightened.

shadow man

Once I started breathing again I started looking for logical explanations.  Could someone have gotten up there without making any noise?  If so, where had they gone?  Could someone walk by on the street below somehow cast a shadow on my door?  There was no plausible trick of light to explain it.  I could, also, at this point rule out anything physical.  I’d been through a health crisis a few months earlier and had literally been tested for every possible disease and illness.  I also know I’m mentally sound.  I’ve never hallucinated or had trouble discerning fantasy from reality.  Add to that, I’m sober as a church mouse. I had NO rational explanation.


That was the only time I saw the big man, as I call him.Since then I see shadows of various sizes now, but none as large and ominous as he.  They’ve become more prevalent and more active.  However, if I ask them to leave me alone they will.  They always come back though.  I see them during the day sometimes too.  I’m not afraid at all. I know they’re not here to harm me, even the big man. I just don’t know what they want or why they’re here.  Are they trying to tell me something?  What lesson am I missing?  I believe that everything that happens to you is a lesson of some sort and these shadows are here to teach me something. I just don’t know what. I do know one thing. Someday they’ll speak to me, and I’ll answer.



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