The Weather Outside Is Frightful

But is doesn’t mean climate change isn’t real.

We’re about to get with a “Bomb Cyclone” here on the US East Coast.  I’ve lived here for almost 20 years, and I have never heard this weather term before.  Nor’Easters are relatively common but I guess this one is different.  This is basically a frozen hurricane with super heavy winds.  And snow. Lots of snow. Did I mention the winds? And snow. So, go get your eggs and milk now!

milk and eggs

Besides grocery store stampeders bad winter weather also brings out another type of seasonal idiot.  The “I guess there’s no global warming because it’s snowing” imbecile.  I think anyone who says that aloud should be legally made to say “durr durr durr” after the phrase.  It’s like saying gravity doesn’t exist because birds can fly.  Climate and weather are two different things.  Florida has a subtropical climate.  It can sometimes freeze in Florida. One is not the other. Most semi educated people understand this.


I live in Trump country, even though I’m in New England which are blue states for the most part.  I live in a little pocket of red in a sea of blue.  My town voted for Trump by almost 80%.  It’s an almost entirely white former mill town that’s seen better days.  I lived in Arkansas for 4 years in the 90’s.  The racism and aggressive ignorance is just as strong among the people in this town as in the South.  Quite a few of these “Nutmeggers” are really proud  of being rednecks.  It’s town of big manly trucks spewing black smoke purposely (coal rolling) and swagger that has no basis in reality.  “All hat and no cattle” as my Mom would have said.

penis works

I’m working tomorrow.  I am going to hear “I sure wish we really had global warming!” all day from the yokelry.  I’ll try to gently correct people and it won’t make a bit of difference.   Science isn’t proof to these people. 99% of climate scientists saying climate change is real doesn’t matter. I’ve mentioned in other posts that Americans are very very suggestible.  Oil and energy companies have spent BILLIONS trying to debunk and counteract the very real issues climate scientists have pretty much proven at this point.  They’ve sown doubt in Americans regarding global warming, only 48% believe climate change is caused by human behavior.   They would rather believe it’s a Chinese hoax than agree with a scientist.  They are aggressively stupid.


It’s only going to get worse. If you have been paying attention you’ve seen the changes play out. I”m from California and wildfires have always been a fact of life there. The fires they have now are NOTHING like what they’ve had historically.  The fires are much bigger and the fire season never ends.  The weather is more extreme. The super cold weather we’ve been having is related to climate change. Yes, global warming can make it colder in some areas!  Its going to be interesting to see how the climate deniers try to cling to their obviously wrong views as things get progressively worse.  Of course, it won’t be an issue as long as we have a few cold days.  Durr, durr, durr.hold my beer


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