“When Someone Shows You They Are…”

“believe them the first time.” – Maya Angelou

Fire and The Fury a new book about our national disgrace Donald Trump is selling like hotcakes.  Oh, the headlines!  Oh, the shocking facts revealed!  Every magazine and website touting it’s “bombshell” claims. “Click here to read the 10 biggest shockers from the explosive new book!”  Supposedly, this bestseller is full of “insider” information about 45 and his administration.  People are shocked and amazed by the revelations. Really? Really?  Reeeaaallllllyyyyy?  Let’s look at a couple of these new and shocking facts.

fire and fury

Donald Trump is an idiot.  His underlings make comments and talk openly about his lack of intellect. There have been numerous leaks mentioning this.  He’s semi-literate at best and spends hours and hours watching television.  His briefings have to be given to him verbally as he can’t focus long enough to read anything written. The grammar he uses in his speeches sits at slightly below the 6th-grade level. He’s a moron. He always has been, just listen to any speech he’s ever made. This is not new information.  I don’t need to buy a book to learn that Donald Trump is an imbecile.  I have Twitter.


Ivanka is more like his wife than daughter

Melania Trump often keeping a low profile, White House staffers refer to first daughter Ivanka Trump as her father’s ‘real wife”  Wish I could say I’m surprised about this one. Is anyone? We’ve all been skeeved the fuck out by 45’s weird obsession with his daughter. Yes, yes…they’re very close, she’s his closest adviser, blah blah.  Look, my Dad loves me and has never once commented on my tits or how sexy I am. (and I am!) How many jokes are out there about this? They are endless. Again, nothing new here.

gross daughter

His Weird Ass Hair

Quell surprise!!  He’s covering up a bald spot. WHO KNEW?? I had no fucking idea. This information alone is worth the cost of the book!


He Didn’t Want To Be President

He and his entire team didn’t think he would win. ( Join the club, folks ) He was as shocked at the outcome as the rest of us. The Trump Team, like most of us, underestimated the teeth numbing racist stupidity of the American populace. Add a huge heaping scoop of entrenched misogyny and you get the most improbable presidential result ever. ” Trump reassured Melania that he would not win the election. On election night, when it became clear that he would win, “Melania was in tears—and not of joy.”  Oh, Honey, you were not alone.


So, nothing to see here…keep it moving, folks.  We don’t need a book pointing out how awful Donald Trump is.  We have years and years of his own comments and actions that have made this abundantly clear.  What’s disturbing to me about this book is its tabloid forced shockingness (look, I made a word!)  It’s like a large frame “In Touch Weekly” article. It’s advertised as a shocking bombshell expose full of titillation and scandal!  It’s being packaged as entertainment. That’s what makes me itch. It’s focusing on the president of the United States as a media figure rather than a politician.   We’re viewing Trump through the lens of celebrity.  It gives him a leeway and acceptability he would not have if we were holding him to the standards of other elected officials.  We’ve let him off the hook because he’s that famous guy from the TV.  “Fire and the Fury” does nothing to change that.







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