You’re A Racist, And So Am I

I’m pissed.  Not just cranky, full on pissed off. Why? Well, the bloviator in chief was up to his usual white nonsense. No surprise there.  What took me was how shocked people seemed to be that he called some countries (Haiti, El Salvador, hell, all of Africa) shit holes.  Supposed nonracist white America clutched their pearls and expressed their horror at what he said.  What is so fucking surprising here? Uhhh…the let’s build a wall to keep out Mexican rapists wasn’t a tip-off to his feelings?  The fact he was fined for discriminatory rental practices against African Americans multiple times?  Suddenly NOW he’s racist and vile? He’s been saying and doing shit like this for years.  He’s always been a fucking racist. White America…we elected him anyway.  No, we elected him because of it.



When you ask people why they voted for Trump they say things like, “He tells it like it is”  “He says what we’re all thinking but are afraid to say” “He’s a straight shooter.”  The love the fact that he’s not politically correct. He says and does the things they wish they could.  The average American is racist. American society is racist. It’s all built on and invested in maintaining white supremacy.  Sure, we have this false veneer of this being a meritocracy.  We’re all told that we have an equal chance to succeed. All you have to do is look at our Public School systems to see this isn’t the case. It’s always been this way.  Because of Trump people aren’t hiding that anymore.

speaks his mind

Last night when the news of 45’s comments came out a woman I follow on Twitter made a few comments. She’s the child of Haitian immigrants, so she was rightly saddened and angered by what he said.  Her feed was immediately filled with white people saying things like vote, resist, and fight.  Couple things you need to understand well-meaning white folk.  People of color do not need our advice on how to resist or fight white supremacy.  They’ve been doing that shit forever without our help.  I’m sure all the POC you’ve been fucking ignoring all these years will cherish your advice on the struggle.

not like that

Voting, much like myself, isn’t going to do dick.  Short term, sure.  If any of you think the midterms are going to solve this problem and make Trump go away, you are high.  Electing a slew of Dems is not going to do anything to change the very real reason we had Trump there, to begin with. We live in a racist society.  Trump isn’t the disease, he’s merely a symptom.  Telling minorities that they need to vote more often or resist more forcefully isn’t going to change anything.  It that were true, we’d be living in a different society. We, white people, are the problem.  We need to change us.


How? I have no fucking clue. I’m not a politician.  I’m a middle-aged retail manager and I don’t have any answers. I can’t change the world.  I can tell what I do to try to affect my little piece of it.  I do not let other white people off the hook.  I fucking let them know that if they say shit around me it is not acceptable. I have flat out called people racists in meetings. I do not give a fuck anymore.  I’ve lost all of my fucks, I have no more left. I’m no longer going to let my silence make me complicit.  If you let racist people around you, even people you love, go unchallenged you are a collaborator.  Leaving racists unchallenged normalizes their words and actions. Don’t let them think that the garbage coming out of their mouths is okay. Tell them they’re being offensive and ignorant.  I’m done expecting other people to do the work.  I’m going to do my part in my tiny corner of the world.


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