We Have Work To Do

White ladies, for the most part,  are marching again today.  That’s a good thing.  I’m in favor of any anti-Trump show of solidarity.  I think anyone who reads my blog (all 3 of you!) know how I feel about our pornstar diddler in chief.  I hope there are millions of people out demonstrating and I’m looking forward to seeing the footage and reading the signs.  So, I’m not against the Woman’s March but I’m obviously not taking part.  I’m sure you’re thinking, “why CB you’re a hip liberal lady who’s all about social justice…why not march?”  About that.


A yearly march is good.  I would be more pleased if some real concrete action came from it.  We’re in the exact, no worse, position as a nation as we were last year.  All these millions of people demonstrating and not a damn thing changed…why is that?  Well, because demonstrating is just going for a walk unless it’s followed by actual activism.  I think maybe some folks thought that all those people protesting would be the change. That’s kind of naive, it takes really hard work by real people to change society.  The people in power aren’t going to change their agenda because a few hundred thousand women took a stroll in pink hats.   You can’t just show up once a year, the pressure needs to be constant.



One very glaring thing if you look at the crowds for these Women’s marches is the racial makeup.  It’s predominantly white women. Sure, there are a few women of color but it’s really a sea of white.  This is even truer this year as many WOC are not marching.  In fact, some are even calling for boycotts.  Wait!  What the…  Aren’t we all women?  Don’t we share in the struggle?  Sure we do.  But we do not share in the struggle equally.  All the things that people are marching against…harassment, the wage gap, lack of healthcare affect Women of Color disproportionately.  So, yes we all have these issues in common. White women started marching when these things started to more obviously affect them too under Trump. None of these issues are new, just the white lady response to them. However, the problem is that when it comes to things that mainly affect minority women, like police brutality, white women are silent.  How many white women do you see at Black Lives matters marches?

Black Lives Matter Black Friday

So, march if it makes you feel better.  I would also suggest a few other things that can help foment real change. Most are simple and will only take you a small amount of time.  Sign petitions.  I know…easy.  Write letters or call your elected representatives both local and federal.  It’s amazing how effective phone call campaigns and the court of public opinion is.  Corporate America may own the politicians, but YOU elect them. Go to town hall meetings with your elected officials and give them Hell.  Boo their asses.  They hate it, and you’ll feel better! Vote. Only about 60% of registered voters even bothered to go to the polls the last election.  That’s pretty sad, but consider how fewer there are for nonpresidential and local elections.

protest this shit


Now this one no everyone can do, but most of us can.  Give money to activist groups who are actually doing the work.  I’m not talking a million dollars.  I give maybe $30-50 dollars a month.  If there’s a local candidate you support, send them some cash.  Just be sure to give it directly to them and not the political party as they may not get it.  Money is, unfortunately, the most effective way to create change in our society.  The problem lies with the party that is the least likely to help people, gets the most money.   There’s a reason why billionaires got a tax cut.  So, give as much as you can, as often as you can.  I’ve added a couple of links at the bottom to help get you started.


So by all means march.  But don’t lose sight of the fact that we have to work. Listen to voices that aren’t your own.  There are activist groups that have been fighting the good fight long before Trump came to power.   Channel some of that energy for change into groups that already working towards that goal.  There are tons of Progressive groups out there. Get involved!  You have to do more than march.






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