Standards, People

And another one bites the dust.   Oh, AG Schneiderman, we hardly knew ye.  No, literally.  We didn’t know you.  Mr. Me Too.  He was the gallant knight who was going to save us damsels from the fat orange dragon come to eat us, or at least grab us by the pussies.  A hero of the Left.  One of the supposed good guys. One of the few who could take down the House of Trump. Who knew he was an abusive shitheel? We. Are. All. Just. So. Suprised.

only hope

Well, some of us are.  I wish I could say I am.  I’m not. Are we surprised when a hero of the right, Mr. Protect Marriage is caught lubing up in a bathhouse?  No, anti-gay politicians are caught being, well, gay all the time. Just because you espouse a political belief in public does not mean you can act on it in private.  Sometimes people say things they may or may not believe for political expediency’s sake.SHOCKING!

i don;t beleive me

Okay, well…let’s give him the benefit of the doubt on lying.  He may absolutely believe in the #MeToo movement.  He has proven to be a real ally with Women’s Issues.  He was a vocal advocate for abused women.  He filed a lawsuit again Miramax and Harvey Weinstein for the harassment and abuse that went on there.  He could very well be a passionate believer in the rights of women.  He can also abuse the women in his life. All of these things can reside in the same man.  He’s claiming the abuse occurred in “consensual sexual relationships”  Fine, whatever.  That’s another blog.  However, let’s assume it’s true. He’s resigned. Now is when things get tricky.  Some men on the Left and a few women are having issues with this.  Why? Here’s why.


The GOP has also got a problem with assault against women.  Let’s be honest. Men have a problem with assault against women.  The difference is being a serial groper and a douchebag doesn’t hurt your career if you’re a Republican.  Haven’t like, 18 women accused the president of assault?  He may have tiny hands, but those little fuckers are busy!  Let’s not forget everyone’s favorite peepaw pedophile Roy Moore.  Perfectly acceptable for the GOP to endorse him.  They endorsed the guy who was kicked out of a mall for creeping on the teenage girls at Hot Dog on a Stick. Seriously.

big word

So, why are lefties so mad if the GOP has pervs too?  It’s because the politicians on the left have faced real public pressure to resign and have done so.  They don’t think it’s fair that Al Franken had to resign and Trump doesn’t.  Why do our guys lose their jobs when the other side’s don’t?  Why can’t we get away with it too?  That’s basically what they’re asking. Think about that for a minute.  Why are we being punished if everyone does it?


Excuse me?  Every single instance of sexual assault is unacceptable. Every single one.  Should every abusive man face retribution for his actions? Absolutely.  Does that always happen?  Not hardly.  Is there a sliding scale based on victim count or political affiliation? No.  I think everyone who abuses another person should get help, and be punished if that’s warranted.  I really don’t care who the perpetrator is.  Get the fuck out of here with that whiny shit.  Do not try to tell me how we’re “eating our own”. Bullshit. We’re holding our own to a fucking higher standard than the other side. A standard of decency and compassion for the victims. We need to be better than they are.  “It’s not fair”  The only people any of this is not fair to are the victims. Be best.


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