Feminist Fuck You Friday

I have decided that every week I’m going to pick a recipient for a great big juicy fuck you. Someone who does, or says, something so egregiously anti-woman that they deserve all the shame and derision possible heaped upon them.  Someone so bloody awful, that even nonfeminists would say, “That’s some serious bullshit.”  This week, the inaugural one poses quite the challenge.  How to only pick one person to single out for this gift. There are just so many to choose from!!

There’s rotting gourd and tiny handed pussy grabber Trump. He’s been pretty quiet about the Kavanaugh kerfuffle then posted this little gem.

“Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a fine man, with an impeccable reputation, who is under assault by radical left wing politicians who don’t want to know the answers, they just want to destroy and delay. Facts don’t matter. I go through this with them every single day in D.C.” 

Guys….guuuuyyyyysss..we need to really stop picking on sexual abusers like Trump and Kavanaugh.  I think we might be hurting their feelings. Oh yeah…

fuck your feelings

Retired show horse and Pick Me Bitch Hall of Famer Ann Coulter neighed in with her opinion on the Kavanaugh scandal as well.  She always there to offer us a helpful reminder to be sure to think about the poor oppressed white men.

“White male. White privilege,” she said. “If you fit the narrative, you are guilty and there is no coming back from that and it’s not just Democrats and the media running the country, it’s any white male can be accused with an evidence-free accusation like this.”

ac dumb repubs

So many choices, but in the end, it came down to one man. One man with a statement so utterly horrifying and tone-deaf that it literally boggles the mind.  That this type of man would make such a statement leads to a cognitive dissonance so strong that I’m fearful for my own sanity.  Here with his own spin on the Kavanaugh sexual abuse allegations comments is noted evangelist and reported Christian Franklin Graham!

“Well, there wasn’t a crime that was committed. These are two teenagers and it’s obvious that she said no and he respected it and walked away”

Wait, what? “He respected it”?  Kavanaugh has denied it entirely, but here goes a man of God saying that if it did happen it was no big deal. Because that’s the Christian thing to say I guess? Last time I checked, attempted rape is a crime. I’m pretty comfortable saying I think Jesus might agree with me here. Frankie is giving a whole lot of latitude here for something he says never happened. He’s chalking it up to wacky teenage hijinks.  Pinning a girl down and covering her mouth so she doesn’t scream is just innocent roughhousing.  He’s either doing some crazy mental gymnastics to rationalize or he just doesn’t care about the young lady involved.

you do you boo boo

He doesn’t care one bit about the victim.  Evangelicals are frothing at the mouth to pack the Supreme Court with the best Gilead has to offer. They truly want to turn the clock back.   Back to the good old days when you weren’t forced to bake cupcakes for Sodomites. No more abortions!  All babies must be brought to term and then promptly forgotten when they require anything like decent schools or food.  Buh bye birth control. How DARE women actually think they can control their bodies?!?  They need to get their man on the court to make of this happen.  Plus, if Kavanaugh keeps their puppet in the White House so much the better.

sorry jesu

So, for all these reasons and more. Franklin Graham is the well-deserved recipient of our very first FFYF.  Fuck you, Franklin Graham.

son fu



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