Feminist Fuck You Friday

Wow, what a week!  That’s not meant in any kind of positive way.  What a terrible week to be a woman.  It’s even more awful if you happen to be a survivor of sexual assault.  We had to sit an watch a political fight over allowing a possible attempted rapist onto the Supreme Court. Some argued it didn’t happen, some arguing that it doesn’t matter if it did as it was 30 odd years ago.  Of course, many women felt that we should believe the victim and any shadow of a doubt is enough to keep Drunky McDrunkypants off the court.  Regardless, there were so very many horrible moments and just SO many people to choose from for our Feminist Fuck You Friday it was a difficult decision.


First, we have Fox News Contributor (Already ripe for a fuck you), Kevin Jackson.  He’s been a commentator on FN for a few years and wrote the book “Race Pimping: The Multi-Trillion Dollar Business of Liberalism.” which I am sure not one of you has read. Or ever seen in a store. Or ever heard of.  His comment about the Kavanaugh accusers was as sensitive and nuanced as you would expect from a Fox News employee. “Feminists are their own worst enemies, and enemy of women,” Jackson wrote on Twitter Thursday morning. “TO HELL with the notion that women must be believed no matter what. Lying skanks is what these 2 women are, and we ALL know more”.  He went on to blather more gobblygook about Dems waging a war on men ( I wish) and the usual conservative anti-woman propaganda. This story has a happy ending though…because Fox News fired his ass!  He never really fit in there anyway…

fox diverse

Let’s not forget the man of the hour, Brett Kavanaugh. Wow, what an obnoxious little prick he is!  His testimony after that of his accuser was a master class in white male entitlement. No remorse, no “I’m sorry” just an absolute rage at being called out for his shit. How many times did he mention how his “good name” had been tarnished? At no time did he appear to have any remorse.  He refused to answer questions posed and was outright disrespectful to Democratic senators. He was a whiny, crying, and belligerent hot mess.  It was pretty much the worst fucking job interview ever.  But, he’s white and rich so you know he’s going to be hired by the guys who look just like him whether he’s an angry violent drunk or not. We all know he’s lying though, and so does she.

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Like last week though, we do have a clear-cut winner. Lindsey Graham, senator for South Carolina. Gurl….guuurrrlllll…we see you.  Miss Graham, if you’re nasty, used to be a critic of Trump back in the day.  They had a little golf outing…maybe some pictures were exchanged and all of sudden Lindsey is Trump’s biggest fan!  He went all the way in (no pun intended) with President Hobgoblin’s nomination of Barney Gumble.  He refused to entertain the very idea that any sexual contact occurred and basically called the accusers liars.  Thennnn…Sis went batshit and claimed it was all a big conspiracy by the Dems and the C word. ( Not that one…Lindsey’s never seen one of those…Clintons!) He then went on an angry rant about how Kavanaugh’s life was being destroyed by the allegations. No mention of how the victim’s lives had been changed. Uhh…his job interviews had harder questions…that’s about it. He’ll be fine.


Now, I have been told we’re not supposed to question Graham’s sexuality or gay shame him.  Uh huh…that’s great and all but as a GOP senator he votes on legislation that negatively affects women and LGTBQ people all the time.  If he’s compromised because of blackmail, or just operates out of general internalized homophobia and anti women dickishness he needs to be shamed.  There is no shame in being gay, but there is in being an asshole.  Just suck a dick already.  Better blatant than latent.  So, please join me…and Uncle Sam in awarding the Fabulous Miss Lindsey Graham a Feminist Friday Fuck You!!

fuck lindsey

Really, Lindsey…just go be gay and happy.

















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