Feminist Fuck You Friday

I have plenty of fucks to give this week.  Usually, I list down a few contenders then get to the one person who gets the fuck you.  This week has SO many deserving people, they all get one!  Let’s get started with our recipients, shall we?

go fuck yourself

Utah Sen Orrin Hatch, aka the Crypt Keeper.  Fucking Hatch is 106 years old and has been in the Senate since I was 12. I am old, I’m remembering Elvis being alive and not a punchline old.  This old fart was an adult in the goddamn 50’s.  He’s also Mormon. Nothing against Mormonism, but they’re not known as the most progressive of sects. So, our friend Orrin is basically a walking historical artifact…1950’s man.  Only, he’s not a cool 50’s guy like James Dean or Fonzie… he’s Potsie.  Imagine, Potsie at 84 years old.

hatch diaper

As a GOP senator on the judiciary committee, Hatch has his share of protesters.  What many protesters, women, for the most part, are doing is sharing their stories of rape or sexual assault with senators voting on Kavanaugh.  Not throwing rocks and garbage, but stating their truth. When confronted by women doing this, he waved his hand in a “shooing” gesture and told them to “grow up”. Grow up. That old condescending motherfucker!  His disdain and dismissiveness for actual victims is frankly, horrifying.  This is 1950’s man in action. Women should be quiet and demure. It’s not that sexual assault didn’t happen in the 50’s…it’s just that women didn’t talk about it. That’s exactly the world Orrin Hatch would like us to go back to. Fuck you, you crusty old dinosaur.

50s shut the hell up

Susan Collins, senator from Maine.  This was the final yes for Kavanaugh.  She had been wishy washyish and there was hope she might do the right thing, but nahhhh bitches.  Besides the usual blah blah party lines about Drunky McAngerpants she said she felt “bullied by the weeping sexual assault victims outside her office”.  You read that correctly.  Bullied by the weeping sexual assault victims. I’m pretty sure Collins doesn’t know what bullying is. If she’s okay with what Kavanaugh did to Dr. Blasey-Ford, but feels victimized by the tears of other victims, she’s flat-out anointed the Pick Me Bitch Queen.  Fuck you, Susan Collins, and your crown.


Men.  Yes, I said men. You know what I haven’t seen online or heard in person?  Men talking about #metoo and backing up women.  The manosphere is suspiciously silent.  Now, I’m not talking about misogynists.  They’re always spouting off about how awful women are. I’m talking about regular guys.  My friends, the guys I grew up with…men who I know have women in their lives.  Where is the support? Where are the public condemnations for Kavanaugh? Where is there a single shred of compassion for sexual assault victims?  Where the fuck are our male allies?  More men seem to be concerned about whether we view them as one of the “good ones” than doing anything to help.  You’re not.  If you are silent, if you aren’t acting every day to end rape culture…you’re not one of the good ones. If you think this is all just “politics” and doesn’t matter, you’re not a good one.   I will not reassure you. I will not validate your “goodness”.  We have a president who brags about sexually assaulting women.  We will soon have a Supreme Court justice who is an attempted rapist.  We know not all men are rapists or predators, we’re not stupid. Women know though, that too few men do anything to stop the ones who are.  You are the problem. Fuck you.


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