Let People Enjoy Shit

I have opinions.  The three of you who read my blog know this.  I’m a Gemini so ask me about any possible subject and I’m going to have something to say about it. There are things I feel very strongly about.  There are things I believe in passionately, things I think are right. I believe in social justice and human liberation.  I also have strong opinions about entirely stupid shit.  I don’t believe men’s shorts should ever be above the knee.  I think it affronts my sensibilities to ever have to view a man’s thigh. See?  Stupid shit.  Guess what though?  I get to believe all that.  It’s my right to have both noble and trivial opinions.  Here’s my point…we all do.


However, I’ve noticed that if you happen to voice your opinion about anything people seem to think it’s ok to try to tell you why its bullshit.   What is it about people that just delights in telling other people how wrong they are?   I know that I am not going to have the same likes and dislikes as most people.  I may not understand how someone could like Bon Jovi, but if they like listening to tepid regurgitated arena rock, that’s their prerogative.  When people ask me what kind of music I listen to and I tell them, they just look at me blankly and nod.  We don’t have to all agree.  Where am I going with this?


Simple. Let people fucking enjoy shit without you inserting your opinion.  Y’all know I love the Twitter.  However, anytime someone posts about something they like there are folks who just cannot wait to shit on it.  Like Nicki Minaj?   Too fucking bad cause here comes the Cardi B stans to tell you how much she sucks.  You really enjoyed Black Panther? Let a thousand fanboys tell you why The Avengers was better. Like pineapple on your pizza? Gird your loins. Every single opinion is viewed as an invitation to a debate. You are suddenly challenged to defend your opinions like you’re stating an undeniable fact. I stated a political opinion and someone fucking asked me for citations.  Citations?? I’m not Tomi Lahren. ( I can read.)

internet opinions

Just stahhhhhpppp.  It’s okay for people to like things you don’t. Hell, millions of women love men and here I am not saying a fucking word.  You do not have to try to change the minds of people you disagree with.  It’s ok if we don’t all want to have the same experiences. It’s okay that we’re different. Really. It’s ok.  Each of us has our own path to walk.  We will all see and take in the world in profoundly different ways and that’s really wonderful when you think about it.  If we stopped to actually listen to each other’s opinions and maybe tried to understand just a little we’d be less defensive about our own.  Honestly, one of the happiest discoveries I ever made was that I could disagree with people and I didn’t have to tell them.  Letting go ofthat need to be right and point out their “wrongness”  was liberating. I get that people love what they love.  I do not need to insert my opinion into someone else’s reality.  It’s cool.  Everybody’s got their something…and I let them.



So, this is what anxiety feels like…

I’m a duck.  I am the daughter of a duck.  The things that bother most people just roll off my back, like water.  Very few things upset me for any length of time and I find it easy to distract myself if they do.   I can compartmentalize my emotions and can shut them down to get shit done when I have to. Usually, when things get overwhelming I can meditate and breathe into my emotions and accept them.  Dealing with negative things in my life has been challenging, but I have always been able to manage the emotions associated with them.  I am having a very hard time doing that right now.


Why?  I have a lot of things going on at the same time for a long time.  I’m not going to go into any deep detail, but suffice it say it’s big stuff.  Sick parent, lose your job, get dumped, run out of money stuff.  Add to this I’m in the process of buying a house. ( I’m buying a house to save money. what???)  Oh, let’s not forget, I work in retail, which is a separate Hell all it’s own.  I am completely overwhelmed.  My usual strategies aren’t working right now. I feel like I have a toddler sitting on my chest. I could literally punch a nun I’m so stressed.

onto you

Well, not literally punch a nun.  I’m just feeling very out of control at the moment.  I’ve never been this anxious.  Years ago, I would have just drunk to make this go away.  I was worried and freaked out about so many things when I was young.  It was really easy to have a drink and forget my worries.  I haven’t had a drink in 14 years and have been functioning quite well without it.  I am so not used to being anxious, it’s usually the opposite I have issues with.  I have no healthy historical coping skills to fall back on.  No one gave me the manual for this!!mommy

So, I’m going to keep breathing into it.  Some of it will get better with time. Heartbreak is excruciating but finite. Papa Duck’s health crisis has calmed. I’m doing what I can to fix my financial situation..applying for jobs, buying a house, etc. I just need to stay as present as I can and be with it all. It’s horrible and uncomfortable but it’s where I need to be right now. I think the lesson is to stay and not avoid it. Or, I can go out and find a nun to punch.

dis nun




Our Descent Into Mehness

“This is not who we are.”  I have read this countless times over the last month or so.  When we find out Border Patrol agents are separating parents and children.  Social media explodes with umbrage and post aplenty about how this isn’t how America.  Then we find out the government seems to have “lost” over 1400 of these separated children.  There was a hashtag #wherearethechildren that was all over Twitter…for about a week.  Now, we have word that our government plans on building “tent cities” to house over 5000 children.  Camps where we can warehouse these kids, many of whom’s parents have been sent off to prison uncharged of any crime.  Outrage!  “This is not who we are.”  No, this is exactly who we are. THIS IS WHO WE ARE.

I grew up, thanks to my father, a student of history.  I learned about WWII and the Holocaust very young.  My exposure to the horrors men can visit upon one another happened when I was a child.   I sometimes feel it’s a lesson most people my age and younger haven’t learned.  We grew up in what was mostly peacetime.  Wars were far away and weren’t anything you were exposed to unless you volunteered for the military.  Unless you were from another country, you had no real understanding of what atrocities are. Those things happened in other countries. Rwanda, Bosnia, Cambodia…nothing like that could ever happen here in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.  We’re better than that.

The myth of American exceptionalism.  We are the most moral and upstanding of people.  As Reagan said, America is a shining city on a hill built and fostered by divine providence.  Manifest destiny sent out West, killing and brutalizing as we went, ordained by God to seize whatever land we could see.  We tamed the wilderness and created huge farms and great wealth on the back of slaves stolen from their homelands. Bought and sold treated like chattel to do the work these noble men would not.  We have built a great nation for ourselves. For us. Let’s not mince words here.  The exceptional American is a white American.

Yes, yes…melting pot. We’ve all heard this and it’s a lie.  Sure we are a nation of immigrants, mostly European immigrants.  I can say my foremothers are from elsewhere.  German and Scottish mostly and you cannot get much whiter than that.  My ancestors were welcomed with open arms…while at the same time the government was not allowing Chinese immigration at all.  Immigration from Latin America has also been very tightly enforced once policies were set.  As much as those on the Right would have you believe it, immigration in the US is tightly regulated. Our melting pot has a lot of one ingredient.

You see, when we think of the average typical American we think of a white one.  Everyone else is different.  The standard is white, it’s always been white.  We’ve absorbed and accepted our own superiority and exceptionalism as fact.  We’ve set up a whole system that benefits us (white supremacy).  We created that shining city on the hill, to be enjoyed by those God has ordained rule it.  This has been an undercurrent throughout our history.  This unspoken and denied racist and supremacist ideology that is in the very bones of our nation has always been lurking.  We, partly in a need to separate ourselves from the fascists we fought generations earlier, kept that in check.  We were better than that.

We’re not. We’ve let a combination of economic uncertainty and propaganda create a fear of immigrants. Constant talk of our jobs being taken, of rapists and murderers pouring over our border, has been very very effective in tapping into that slow simmering racism that underlies our society.  We are told to fear anyone different and to keep out anything we fear. Muslims are all terrorists. Latinos are all MS13 gang members, not even human but bloodthirsty animals threatening us. All are dangerous and it is imperative the government protect good (white Christian) Americans from these threats.  Fear makes people sometimes do terrible things.  If you think that’s not true, Google some Nazi propaganda about Jews and tell me if you don’t see some familiar themes.

Am I comparing America to Nazi Germany?  Yes. We like to think that Germany was this huge country just FULL of Nazis. We like to think that Hitler only came to power and that the Holocaust happened because the entire country willed it. They all went mad.  I used to think that. It had to be true, what else could explain so many people just sitting by and doing nothing?  Good people would have done something, surely.  I no longer believe that. I watch good people now as human rights are abused in their names…do nothing. I see no real protest. Everyone goes about their day to day because it doesn’t touch their lives.  The government rips feeding babies away from their mother’s breasts and we stay silent. They aren’t us so we don’t care. We sit in silence and we are complicit in the terror being committed by OUR government. They all went mad. No, it wasn’t madness that created untold death and horror…it was apathy.  For God’s sake, wake up.

evil thrives on apathy.jpg









Sympathy For The Devils

Another one. Another school shooting. It seems like we have one every week. Wait, we DO have one every week. More students have been killed so far this year then active duty Service Members in war zones.  It’s less safe to be a student in an American school then it is to be a Marine. Let that soak in. Your child is more likely to go to school and never come back than from the Army.  Yet, there are no Gold Stars for these families. These mothers live with the reality that there was no noble sacrifice by their child. Their children died for no other reason than someone was angry and had access to guns.

history repeat

So, let’s talk about empathy. What is empathy?  Here’s a definition that’s easy to understand. “Empathy is the experience of understanding another person’s thoughts, feelings, and condition from their point of view, rather than from your own. You try to imagine yourself in their place in order to understand what they are feeling or experiencing” Empathy is putting yourself in someone else’s shoes.  It’s trying to get to an answer of why someone may do something by imagining yourself as them. It a valuable way to deal with people as it keeps you from demonizing people who may act in ways you find unacceptable. It is by its very nature an analytical exercise.  It’s a way of finding understanding for the actions of another.


Empathy is NOT sympathy. They are often confused by people. Sympathy is an emotion. When you feel sorry or bad for someone that’s a sympathetic feeling. You’re not trying to find meaning, you’re feeling bad for someone’s misfortune. Sympathy is a reaction to another’s plight. They can be very much interrelated, one can lead to another. However, they are different. Sympathy is an implied reassurance of emotional support.  We send sympathy cards when people die, for example. It’s validating someone’s emotional experience as important enough to be shared by you.


Why the gobblygook about empathy and sympathy?  What does that have to do with mass shootings?  Well, I’m online reading news, as I do.  I see a couple stories about the young man who shot his classmates.  Seems he was a “quiet, but not in a creepy way” kid. He was in a dance group at his Greek Orthodox Church.  He played football, and was “instrumental in the win against their rivals”.  Why he was an All American boy!  An All American boy who walked into his school with loaded weapons and killed 10 people.


Nicholas Cruz, the Parkland FL shooter, was portrayed in the press as a poor troubled soul.  There were multiple lists of the incidents that had happened to him and how the schools and authorities had failed to react to any of them.  The overall theme was that this poor mentally ill boy never had a chance. All the red flags that were missed could have prevented this tragedy.  Feel bad for the victims, but also feel bad for this abandoned young man. We have failed him as a society, and this was the result.


On and on.  What made Dyan Roof become a killer?  Stephen Braddock went from successful businessman to mass killer, what changed him? We’re asked to understand the reasons behind what are incomprehensible acts.  I get that the more we know, the better we can predict and prevent mass shootings. Empathy is an important part of understanding what could make a person do this. Putting yourself in the shoes of someone who saw gun violence as an acceptable method of dealing with their issues is vital for prevention.

My problem is when we veer into having sympathy for them.  Nothing excuses their actions. I do not feel bad that poor Nicholas Cruz is in jail. Was he failed multiple times by the system.? Yes.  Should his very obvious emotional issues have been dealt with? Yes. Does any of that excuse what he’s done? No.  I’m troubled by the humanizing that occurs when the perpetrators of mass murder are talked about in the media. The TX shooter being rejected by a girl as an explanation for the shooting, like that explains it all.  We want a reason, especially when the killer is white.  We want an explanation as too why this person veered away from what our understanding of normal white behavior.

Now let’s compare.  Victims of white violence are treated very differently by the media. Trayvon Martin was “thug”.  The media never showed his pictures in his ROTC uniform but we all have seen him in a hoodie.  Mike Brown, shot unarmed by a white police officer, was “no angel” and the pictures used of him were unsmiling and menacing.  Eric Garner, unarmed and choked to death by a police officer, was a “career criminal”.  I could go on and on.  There is no attempt at empathy and zero attempts to garner sympathy…for VICTIMS.  In fact, they were presented in specific ways to do the opposite.  These men were shown and talked about in ways that reinforced the views of African American criminality.


We are supposed to feel bad for the white perpetrators of violence, but at the same time feel that black victims did something to deserve their treatment. The blood and mayhem caused by white mass shooters are viewed as an anomaly. We dig and dig for reasons to explain. It’s deviant. There has to be some rational explanation. If we, as white people, are morally superior, how can this happen?  This is why when we have mass shootings we talk about mental health. “They must be crazy.”  White supremacy is why when an unarmed African American is shot by police for holding a cell phone we ask “What did   he do?”  

I have empathy for mass shooters.  White supremacy, toxic masculinity and easy access to guns can be an irresistible cocktail for people who feel powerless.  I know that happy well-adjusted people do not shoot up worshipers at a Bible Study class. Something happened to make someone that, well, evil.  I understand that mass murder doesn’t occur out of the blue…something happened to make that person see that as a viable option.  I may understand the why. But they get not one bit of sympathy from me. I’m saving all my sympathy for the victims, of mass shootings and the police.




Everything Happens For A Reason? Well…

Yes and no. You’ve heard that phrase.  Hell, I say it all the time. I absolutely think it’s true.  I also absolutely think most people who use it are using it incorrectly.  Very judgy of non-judgy me, so let me explain.  Most of us drop that little philosophical pearl when not so good things happen to people.  Sort, of a variation of “God’s Will”, it’s said when bad things happen.  When you think about it, it’s really sort of a shitty thing to say at those times.  Something terrible has befallen you. You’re in shock or grief-stricken. Maybe scared or unsure how you can even go on.  You haven’t even begun to process your feelings, but no, here’s some smug asshole telling you everything happens for a reason.

reasson slap

Does everything happen for a reason? Yes, and sometimes that reason is to bring you pain.  The reason is that no one’s life is perfect and every single one of us will suffer at some point.  I know, I know…why do I always have to bring this depressing shit up?  God CB, can’t you just let me be happy?  Sure…go be happy.  Let me know how all that nonstop happiness is working for you.  I know people who say they are happy all the time. That’s a lovely place to be.  I also know these people are in total denial of their negative feelings.  It’s the “Think yourself happy” school of thought.  If I just push away any bad thoughts…I’ll have only happy ones.  Bingo!  I am happy all the time!  How do I know this?  I used to be a “happy all the time person”.


I wish I could tell you that works.  Pain and suffering are a part of life. It’s a Noble Truth and all that.  We all have it.  We can try and try to make our lives as perfect as we can.  We can set up everything as carefully as possible to make positive outcomes.  We can curate our lives and our emotions and create an oasis of positivity in this hard-hearted world.  You’re still going to have pain. Whether you inadvertently create it yourself or it spills over from someone else life, you’ll suffer.  The trick is to not push it away. You cannot deny your suffering.


It’s ok to be sad. It’s ok to be angry. Life is full of disappointing moments.  Sometimes every day is full of those moments.  It’s what you do with all those negative emotions that’s key.  Let’s look at this a different way.  If you had a sharp pain in your chest you’d see a doctor.  If you had a nagging ache in your arm…you’d get medical attention.  Physical pains are symptoms that something is wrong with your body. There is something not working correctly that needs to be addressed. Once it is, it can be healed, or at least treated.  Emotional pain is the same thing. It’s a symptom of something deeper that needs to be addressed.

dont die.jpg

So maybe you never go to the doctor. Maybe you think you know what’s wrong, maybe you already know. Maybe you don’t want to know. You make your choice whether to treat what’s wrong. You decide if you really want to know or live in denial.  My mother died of a cancer she had self-diagnosed as “allergies”.  Whether she was unaware, or secretly knew and didn’t want to admit, who knows?  She made the decision to not treat her symptoms for too long.  We all have that choice to make when our symptoms appear.  Whether physical or emotional pain, it’s a symptom of a bigger problem we need to heal. We all decide whether we want to “know” and deal with it.

i'm fine

So. My point?  That pain is a message to take a deeper look. Dig deeper to find the root. The surface emotion is just the symptom of the core issue.  Every time you have an emotionally troubling or negative experience it’s an invitation to heal.  It’s giving you an opportunity to glimpse at the mechanisms of your suffering.  Your anguish over anything is your reaction. How you handle your bad feelings was something you learned.  You can learn how to react differently.  First, you have to be brave enough to look at the “why”.  Healing is often hard and painful in an of itself but worth the effort.  Every painful and horrible experience we have gives us the chance to heal if we can be brave enough to take it. Everything happens for a reason, whether you ignore it is up to you. Trust you’re strong enough to heal. You are.


Standards, People

And another one bites the dust.   Oh, AG Schneiderman, we hardly knew ye.  No, literally.  We didn’t know you.  Mr. Me Too.  He was the gallant knight who was going to save us damsels from the fat orange dragon come to eat us, or at least grab us by the pussies.  A hero of the Left.  One of the supposed good guys. One of the few who could take down the House of Trump. Who knew he was an abusive shitheel? We. Are. All. Just. So. Suprised.

only hope

Well, some of us are.  I wish I could say I am.  I’m not. Are we surprised when a hero of the right, Mr. Protect Marriage is caught lubing up in a bathhouse?  No, anti-gay politicians are caught being, well, gay all the time. Just because you espouse a political belief in public does not mean you can act on it in private.  Sometimes people say things they may or may not believe for political expediency’s sake.SHOCKING!

i don;t beleive me

Okay, well…let’s give him the benefit of the doubt on lying.  He may absolutely believe in the #MeToo movement.  He has proven to be a real ally with Women’s Issues.  He was a vocal advocate for abused women.  He filed a lawsuit again Miramax and Harvey Weinstein for the harassment and abuse that went on there.  He could very well be a passionate believer in the rights of women.  He can also abuse the women in his life. All of these things can reside in the same man.  He’s claiming the abuse occurred in “consensual sexual relationships”  Fine, whatever.  That’s another blog.  However, let’s assume it’s true. He’s resigned. Now is when things get tricky.  Some men on the Left and a few women are having issues with this.  Why? Here’s why.


The GOP has also got a problem with assault against women.  Let’s be honest. Men have a problem with assault against women.  The difference is being a serial groper and a douchebag doesn’t hurt your career if you’re a Republican.  Haven’t like, 18 women accused the president of assault?  He may have tiny hands, but those little fuckers are busy!  Let’s not forget everyone’s favorite peepaw pedophile Roy Moore.  Perfectly acceptable for the GOP to endorse him.  They endorsed the guy who was kicked out of a mall for creeping on the teenage girls at Hot Dog on a Stick. Seriously.

big word

So, why are lefties so mad if the GOP has pervs too?  It’s because the politicians on the left have faced real public pressure to resign and have done so.  They don’t think it’s fair that Al Franken had to resign and Trump doesn’t.  Why do our guys lose their jobs when the other side’s don’t?  Why can’t we get away with it too?  That’s basically what they’re asking. Think about that for a minute.  Why are we being punished if everyone does it?


Excuse me?  Every single instance of sexual assault is unacceptable. Every single one.  Should every abusive man face retribution for his actions? Absolutely.  Does that always happen?  Not hardly.  Is there a sliding scale based on victim count or political affiliation? No.  I think everyone who abuses another person should get help, and be punished if that’s warranted.  I really don’t care who the perpetrator is.  Get the fuck out of here with that whiny shit.  Do not try to tell me how we’re “eating our own”. Bullshit. We’re holding our own to a fucking higher standard than the other side. A standard of decency and compassion for the victims. We need to be better than they are.  “It’s not fair”  The only people any of this is not fair to are the victims. Be best.


About those guns…

People in my family love guns. They fucking love them. My Dad has guns all over his house “just in case”. Other members of the fam have multiple guns, like 4 or 5. None of these people live in high crime areas. Almost all of my family lives in lily-white super safe suburbs/bedroom communities. There are no gangs, there are no drug dealers…they live in safety. They all have arsenals for “protection” though. What the fuck?

That may be the ostensive reason, but really they just love love guns. They go to shooting ranges and are often buying new and exciting firearms. My brother in law even loads/fills his own bullets. We had a family reunion and one of the family/bonding activities was shooting. They often post on social media about their trips to the gun range and how many rounds they’ve fired off. Guns are fun for the entire family!

Whatever gene determines one’s love of guns, I didn’t get it. We grew up in a rural area where guns were just a part of life. Gun safety and use were taught at a young age and having them around wasn’t a big deal. As kids, we knew we weren’t allowed to touch them and they were only for emergencies. Their only real use was hunting and protecting the livestock from predators. There wasn’t the focus then on protecting yourself from rampant crime. They weren’t something9 generally used for fun and hijinks, they were tools. I don’t remember there being this weird obsession with them and the Second Amendment. Hmmm…wonder why…

The National Rifle Association wasn’t a huge lobbying group when I was a kid. They had a magazine and you could take gun safety classes through them but they were legit low key. In the later 1970’s it started lobbying for gun rights after the Gun Control Act of 1968 was passed. The NRA, being funded by gun makers and not gun owners, began trying to control and limit legislation about guns. “After 1977, the organization expanded its membership by focusing heavily on political issues and forming coalitions with conservative politicians, most of them are Republicans.”

So, now any attempt to alter or modify the laws around guns is fought tooth and nail by the gun lobby. They’ve convinced their followers to fight as well under the guise of the government taking their guns. Remember Charlton Heston’s “Pry my guns from my cold dead hands” comment. We used to have an assault weapons ban, which actually was effective. They didn’t kick anyone’s door in and take their gun…they just stopped selling new ones. if you already had one, well, you had one. It was effective at limiting the number of military grade weapons the public had. Thanks to the NRA, Congress let that ban lapse, and we all know how well that’s working out for our country.

This when the narrative around guns changed and we got such pithy slogans as “Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun” Suddenly crime became a huge issue. Now, we’ve always had crime and levels tend to remain somewhat static and statistically, most of us won’t be victims of violent crime. but the propaganda of the Right made it seem like shit was just out of control. We need guns to protect ourselves from the marauding bands of super-predators out to do us harm. There has always been a racial element to this narrative of uncontrolled crime. The NRA has used the fear of black and brown criminals to fuel gun purchases by white American who really don’t need them.
You heard me. The vast majority don’t need a gun. There are exceptions of course, but the average American…nope. Of all the people you know with guns…how many have actually ever used one effectively to protect themselves? I would gather very few. Again, statistics point out how very rare that is. Most folks never shoot their guns anywhere other than a range. So you have this hugely dangerous deadly tool your never going to use that makes you and your household inherently less safe.

For example;
People who report “firearm access” are at twice the risk of homicide and more than three times the risk of suicide compared to those who do not own or have access to firearms.
The vast majority of accidental firearm deaths among children are related to child access to firearms — either self-inflicted or at the hands of another child.
More than 75 percent of first and second graders know where their parents keep their firearms and 36 percent admitted handling the weapons, contradicting their parents’ reports
Fun for the whole family. Guns in your home do not make you safer. Study after study after study proves this out yet we still cling to the idea that they do. Because the NRA and it’s proponents have sold you that lie…as they sell you the guns that reinforce it. We have vastly more guns and more gun deaths than any other country in the world. The makers of guns have created a mythos and entire culture around their products that keeps you buying them. Y’all are being played.
** Opinions are mine and I’m not going to argue about this shit. You can think I’m wrong and I can think you’re a crazy gun nut. MURICA!

Life Is Short

Such a cliche’!  How many times do we hear this or utter it?  Usually when we’re giving ourselves an excuse to do something not so good for us. Ice cream?? Sure, life is short!  Another beer?  Life is short.  The phrase exhorts us to seize the moment and enjoy as time is finite and your time for beer may be shorter than you think.  Besides using it as an excuse to imbibe when do we really think about it?


We come to the very real and sobering realization of how tenuous our time is when one of two things happen.  Our most brutal and visceral knowledge we gain when we lose someone we love.  Nothing leaves you wishing for more time and aware of how little there is than someone close to you dying.  Most of us don’t spend the time we have with our families thinking of their ultimate demises.  We push it away as morbid if and when we do.  Sometimes, we’re lucky enough to be saying goodbye to someone who’s lived a long life, but more often than not, it’s a life cut short.  This is when the actual reality of how little time we have settles in.  The absence of time…moments we could have spent together now lost makes that real.


The other is when you, yourself are faced with your own mortality.  Many of us have had brushes with death.  Car accident survived, a cancer scare, other medical emergencies…events like this stop you in your tracks.  Nothing, and I mean, nothing will make you reevaluate your life like death.  I’m sure there are some people who walk away from the experience and just say. “whew, lucky me!” and go on like nothing happened.  Most people I’ve talked to have come away from the experience profoundly changed.  I know I was.


I had a blood clot in my leg that broke apart and a part of it moved into my heart.  My heart stopped for a few seconds before the clots broke up and settled into my lungs.  Don’t believe the “slight pressure in your chest” bullshit about heart attacks.  It literally felt like a horse kicked me in the center of my chest.  So, I am a very very lucky woman.  My heart could have been clogged to badly and never had started again.  My lungs could have been compromised to the point I stopped breathing. ( I was barely able to breathe as it was) The clots in my lungs could have traveled to my brain and I could have had a stroke.  I spent a few days in the hospital and have been recovering from the experience ever since.  Physically, I’m doing quite well.  In every other way, emotionally, spiritually, you name it, I’ve been changed.

too old

Life is so very short.  Think about that.  Think about how few minutes you really have.  Most of you are close to my age, but whatever your age take a realistic look at how many years you may have left.  How many days.  And realize, that’s the best-case scenario.  None of us are guaranteed a single second more.  Now, look at your life.  Take stock and see what’s important to you…who’s important to you. Take a discerning look at what brings you joy and what brings you pain.  How do you want to spend your precious remaining time?  Life is short.  What are you going to do about that?






Things I’ve Learned About Heterosexuals

Well, this whole Aziz Ansari thing has certainly been an eye-opener for me.  Let’s get one thing out of the way to start.  I have never dated men.  Yeah, I’ve made out with a couple while drunk but never been on dates or anything like that.  I’m just not heterosexual, not that there’s anything wrong with that.  So, I’ve watched this whole situation from a real outsiders perspective.  Let me tell you, it’s been a revelation.


The young lady who went out on a date with Ansari chronicled their evening.  It seems the entirety of the date was a constant push-pull between them.  He initiating and escalating sexual behavior while she tried to cool things off.  He seemed to either not be reading her verbal and nonverbal cues or not caring.  It was uncomfortable to read.  I haven’t ever been in a situation like that.  I at first read it as, well, that’s a fucking bad date but no big deal.

ass wax

Until I started reading what other women who date men had to say.  This pushy and coercive sexual behavior is really really common.  It’s not exactly assaulting in the legal sense, but it’s skeevy as shit.  Not wanting sex doesn’t compute.  If they want to, you should!  No means maybe.  Let’s just chill means keep trying.  Unless you roll up a newspaper and smack them on the head and use a firm NO it doesn’t count.  Even then, quite a few men will keep trying.

what's yours

I don’t get this.  Let’s forget about consent for a second and talk about desire.  Why would you want to have sex with someone who doesn’t want to?  If someone doesn’t want you…isn’t that a turn-off?  It is for me.  Sex is a mutual thing…two people (mostly, more if you’re adventurous)) engage in it. It’s like the woman is only there to service the guy’s needs.  They do know women like sex too, right?  Straight/bi ladies…Y’all need to be telling them this.  It was really kind of sad to read about women who have sex with their partners who don’t want to. “I’ll just lay there and let him so he’ll stop bugging me about it”  “It’s easier to just let him than get in a fight.”  That is just so heartbreaking.  How the fuck can men do that to women they supposedly love?  Buy a fucking Fleshlight if that’s all that matters to you.

no sex

Unfortunately, this has led to men thinking they have a right to sex.  That they have a right to your body.  It’s all about winning the prize.  I’m the first to admit that I do not understand this.  I don’t get how someone can discount someone’s feelings just to get what they want.  I don’t understand why someone would want to fuck someone who’s not into it.  Why don’t men see how dehumanizing that is?   I surely know that the male/female sexual dynamic is alien to me.  I do know, however, that consent and coercion are subjects not enough men and women talk about.  So, ladies…talk to your gents about this stuff.  Oh, and next time they want you to play slap and tickle when you’re not in the mood…give them some lotion and Kleenex.  They won’t die.

not today



Let’s Get Dark, Baby

You may not know it from reading my venty ass crankyboots blogs, but I’m a happy person.  I get up every day pleased to be alive and having an open mind about how my day will go.  I’m not a positive aspiration “smile when I brush my teeth” kind of gal but generally, I’m pretty content.  I’ve learned not to force myself to be happy.  I get that whole”think yourself happy” theory.  I have friends and family who do their damnedest to never dwell in negative thoughts.  They are happy by sheer force of emotional will.  That used to be me or at least I tried to be.

fake happiness

From my father, I inherited what he calls a “sunny disposition”.  I am definitely a half full person,  There’s always a silver lining if you look hard enough for it.  I never really have dwelled too too much in negativity.  This is my natural state.  Yay for me, right?  Well, sort of.  I got my happy go lucky nature from my Dad but I also inherited from my parents a deep aversion to talking about or dealing with so-called negative emotions.  There were things we didn’t talk about.  If we did talk about them it was with obvious discomfort for the parent involved. Usually, there was a rush to end the conversation as quickly as possible.  Did my parents not care?  I think they did.  But,  neither of them were raised with an emotional vocabulary nor were either of them in touch with themselves emotionally.


Yeah so?  This means you’re happy and didn’t deal with negative emotions. That’s good, isn’t it?  Not so much.  You cannot be happy all the time, no matter how hard you try.  Now, add to this the fact that I wasn’t given emotional tools to deal with this. So, you deny your “bad” thoughts and push them away. Grin through that Colgate, baby!  This can work depending on the emotion and severity.  Sometimes it can’t.  There are things you can push away just to have them come back again.  Not only do they come back, but they come back bigger and stronger.  Your negative emotions will keep trying to get your attention and ignoring them will only work for so long.


So I did what so many other Americans do. I drank. I drank a lot for a long time.  Close to 20 years of near daily drinking.  I could stop from time to time, but I always went back.  There was never a physical addiction to alcohol, but man oh man was there a psychological one. It was my emotional crutch.  It removed those pesky bad thoughts like toothpaste never could.  It worked.  It worked great…until it didn’t.  I don’t have any rock bottom story.  I didn’t wake up in a YWCA shower drunk wearing a chicken outfit or anything like that. (That would be a great story though!) One day, I just stopped drinking.

first step

I was in a new relationship, so it was easy.  I had another person to focus all my energy and attention on.  I was happy.  Again, no one is happy forever and eventually, I had negative emotions creeping in. Drinking wasn’t an option anymore.  A very dear friend of mine introduced me to a therapist she’d worked with in couple’s counseling.  I have been seeing her for years.  With her help and guidance, I’ve been slowly packing my toolbox with the missing emotional tools I’ve needed and never had.  The Buddhist teaching and training I’ve had have only helped me in that regard.   So, what’s my damn point?

ok to be a person

Negative emotions and experiences are a natural and normal part of life.  The sun doesn’t shine all the time, neither will you.  People spend so much time and energy denying and pushing away their negative thoughts and emotions.  Denial is a hell of a drug.  The problem with this path is your missing a very real and important part of life.  You’re denying what is an essential part of your journey, of your humanness.  Your dark thoughts are here to teach you something.  They carry a lesson for you. In order to receive that lesson, you need to acknowledge the messenger and spend time with it.  Feel it viscerally…see where it is in your body.  Find where it’s resting and breathe into it.  Having negative thoughts or bad feelings isn’t fatal.  You’ll be okay. (If you feel you need help dealing with negative thoughts or they are overwhelming please get help from someone)


If you can sit with your negative thoughts start really looking at them. Dig into them. Look at them without a value judgment attached. Why do I feel this way?  Where did it come from? Is this something I really believe?  Go deep, one emotion sometimes is just sitting on the surface of a different deeper emotion. Be an archaeologist, your beliefs are what you’re digging through to make a discovery.  You’re digging to discover the truth of who you are.  Who you are is an amalgam of all your experiences. You have learned something from every single thing that’s ever happened to you. Every moment has a lesson. Joy and despair can occur at the very same time. Be unafraid to truly look at who you are.  You are the totality of both light and darkness, and both are beautiful.