“Stridency and Rage”

Hey, remember when Sean Penn was cool? Fast Times at Ridgemont High? Back before we found out he used to beat the shit out of Madonna on the regular. Before we knew about his temper and history of violence? Way back before he started looking like the dried up mystery part dog chews in the bins at Petco? Remember when his opinion was relevant? Remember that time? Yeah…me either.

sp chew toy

Well, Mr. Rage Stroke has an opinion about the #MeToo movement, because, of course, he does.  He said, “I’m very suspicious of a movement that gets glommed onto, in great stridency and rage, and without nuance. And even when people try to discuss it in a nuanced way, the nuance itself is attacked … It’s too black and white. In most things that are very important, it’s really good to just slow down.”  Penn further stated that the “spirit of the movement” was to divide men and women.  Well then. Huh. Nuance.

The nuance he’s looking for is on the side of the men involved. We should be sensitive to their feelings.  You know, hear them out and get their side of the story.  We’re not spending enough time focusing on the men involved!!  We need to be concerned with how accusations of sexual misconduct affect them. Why you can’t even defend a rapist without being attacked! Stop and think about the poor men!  They are being victimized by having their predatory behavior shown to the world.  Let’s not lose focus on what’s really important here, men’s comfort. Oh, and nuance, don’t forget that.

man feelings1

Let’s look at a current example, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.  He’s the somewhat embattled choice of the racist guy white people elected.  He’s the usual conservative mix of misogyny and billionaire bootlicking and looked like a shoe-in for confirmation.  However, it seems drunken Brett attacked a classmate at a party when he was 17.  She says it was an attempted rape, which he of course denies.  Pay attention now, this is where the nuance comes in.

public accusrer

The GOP is giving him the benefit of the doubt, most calling it fabricated. Quite a few seem to think that even if true, it doesn’t matter.  Most are treating it as a youthful indiscretion, “rough horseplay” someone called it.  Not one Republican man in the Senate Judiciary Committee seems to have a problem with this accusation.  They are taking Kavanaugh’s word that the incident in question never happened. The President says he “feels bad” for him because being accused is so hard.  (We’ll pretend their immediate and strong condemnation of Al Franken wasn’t a political show)


The accuser, however, has had her personal information published by hackers. She’s received death threats as has her family and is currently in hiding.  She’s had to move and take a leave from her profession.  People are questioning her integrity. Why did she wait so long to tell anyone? Why was she alone in a room with two boys?  Was she drinking? People are saying that the timing is too convenient, she must be a Democratic plant. Her life is effectively ruined.  Her life is in turmoil because she recounted her experience with Kavanaugh. This is why victims wait so long to come forward, or why most never do.


This is why the #MeToo movement became a phenomenon.  Women started actually sharing their stories. Not necessarily pressing charges, but telling people what happened to them. Some had been holding on to their secrets for decades.  The hashtag is a way of showing solidarity, of saying yeah, this also happened to me. It also served to help show men, often disbelieving men, how prevalent sexual harassment and abuse actually are. I like to think that men of good conscience, ones who believe women’s stories understand how angry women are.  People who do no abuse have nothing to fear from the anger of abuse victims.  The rage and stridency are directed at perpetrators, not all men.  Funny how men like Sean Penn are so concerned with the anger of abuse victims and so worried about it dividing the sexes. Actually, it’s rape culture and men’s sense of entitlement to women’s bodies that divides us.  Sean Penn’s not comfortable with #MeToo? Good, he shouldn’t be.




Men, Consent, and the BDSM Lie

consent is simple

I just saw that Jian Ghomeshi had an essay published in the New York Review of Books.  For those of you not familiar with him, he’s a famous Canadian radio personality.  He’s also a famous Canadian sexual predator.  Three different women accused him of sexual assault.  His defense to the charges was that they had been engaging in consensual “kinky” relationships and had filed charges when the relationships went bad.  Not the first time I’ve heard this defense. (Think Eric Schneiderman) These men are supposedly being persecuted by jilted lovers for consensual violent behavior. Hmmm…I see.  Let me explain why this is utter bullshit. (This is the point where family or friends who may not want TMI should stop reading.)

One of the very first things you learn in the BDSM community is consent.  It’s so vitally important that you get enthusiastic consent for anything you do to someone. A very big part of that is talking before anything ever happens. What are each other’s likes or dislikes? What are soft limits that can be explored? What are hard limits? Every aspect of the relationship or scene if it’s a one-time thing are carefully explored to be sure everyone’s on board and understands what’s going on.  We also know that even if it’s all discussed beforehand if anyone’s uncomfortable…everything stops.  Just about everyone’s heard of safe words. The idea of having a safe word originated from the BDSM community.  Safe, sane, and consensual.  Let me tell you, most of the people in the “kinky” community are very careful.

Not to say it’s all perfect.  Just about anyone who’s been involved in BDSM has a story of a scene gone wrong.  We all have one.  My only sexual assault as an adult occurred due to my partner and I not talking nearly as much about things beforehand as we should have. Miscommunication can be a dangerous thing when power dynamics and possible violence is in the mix.  I know lots of people, mostly women, who can tell similar stories. While what happened to me legally met the definition of a sexual assault, I didn’t file charges.  Why not? Because it was one event in a  relationship that was completely consensual even if the situation may not have been.  We talked about it later, analyzed how we got there and it actually made our communication better.

This is why I know Ghomeshi wasn’t in a “consensual” BDSM relationship. It sounds much more like he’s a typical abuser who views himself as just being “kinky”. I can’t guess as to whether he believed the women involved might be open to it or not. Regardless, thinking someone might like something and consent are vastly different things. That’s not kinky, that’s assault. Unfortunately, the community is a draw for predatory men who believe all women want a dominant man. I’ve met quite a few who really think that deep down all women “Like it rough”. There certainly are women who do, but being a safe BSDM partner takes sensitivity and open communication. People generally don’t have their partners arrested unless something very bad has happened.

Ghomeshi claiming a consensual relationship puts the onus of proof back onto the victims. It casts immediate doubt on their stories, at least among the vanilla population.  Without an understanding of consent and how it works in the community, you can almost believe him. Hence, this post.  Consent is situational. Spanking is not choking.  Bondage is not beating.  But mostly, consent is fluid, it flows both ways. Just because Ghomeshi says he had consent it’s not true unless his partner agrees.  He’s just another predatory abuser using the BDSM community as a convenient cover for his sexual assaults. All of us in the community, past or present, need to call this out and let people know the truth. He may claim it, but Jian Ghomeshi is not one of us.

dont get it




Let People Enjoy Shit

I have opinions.  The three of you who read my blog know this.  I’m a Gemini so ask me about any possible subject and I’m going to have something to say about it. There are things I feel very strongly about.  There are things I believe in passionately, things I think are right. I believe in social justice and human liberation.  I also have strong opinions about entirely stupid shit.  I don’t believe men’s shorts should ever be above the knee.  I think it affronts my sensibilities to ever have to view a man’s thigh. See?  Stupid shit.  Guess what though?  I get to believe all that.  It’s my right to have both noble and trivial opinions.  Here’s my point…we all do.


However, I’ve noticed that if you happen to voice your opinion about anything people seem to think it’s ok to try to tell you why its bullshit.   What is it about people that just delights in telling other people how wrong they are?   I know that I am not going to have the same likes and dislikes as most people.  I may not understand how someone could like Bon Jovi, but if they like listening to tepid regurgitated arena rock, that’s their prerogative.  When people ask me what kind of music I listen to and I tell them, they just look at me blankly and nod.  We don’t have to all agree.  Where am I going with this?


Simple. Let people fucking enjoy shit without you inserting your opinion.  Y’all know I love the Twitter.  However, anytime someone posts about something they like there are folks who just cannot wait to shit on it.  Like Nicki Minaj?   Too fucking bad cause here comes the Cardi B stans to tell you how much she sucks.  You really enjoyed Black Panther? Let a thousand fanboys tell you why The Avengers was better. Like pineapple on your pizza? Gird your loins. Every single opinion is viewed as an invitation to a debate. You are suddenly challenged to defend your opinions like you’re stating an undeniable fact. I stated a political opinion and someone fucking asked me for citations.  Citations?? I’m not Tomi Lahren. ( I can read.)

internet opinions

Just stahhhhhpppp.  It’s okay for people to like things you don’t. Hell, millions of women love men and here I am not saying a fucking word.  You do not have to try to change the minds of people you disagree with.  It’s ok if we don’t all want to have the same experiences. It’s okay that we’re different. Really. It’s ok.  Each of us has our own path to walk.  We will all see and take in the world in profoundly different ways and that’s really wonderful when you think about it.  If we stopped to actually listen to each other’s opinions and maybe tried to understand just a little we’d be less defensive about our own.  Honestly, one of the happiest discoveries I ever made was that I could disagree with people and I didn’t have to tell them.  Letting go ofthat need to be right and point out their “wrongness”  was liberating. I get that people love what they love.  I do not need to insert my opinion into someone else’s reality.  It’s cool.  Everybody’s got their something…and I let them.



Humble Yourself

1. the act of feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentance
That didn’t take long.  Louis CK did a “surprise” stand up set in NYC.  Matt “button under the desk” Lauer is reassuring people he’ll be back on TV soon.  Aziz Ansari’s (certainly the least skeevy, yet still gross of the three) doing a low-key Midwest comedy tour.  It’s only been a few months since these men were found out to be at the most benign, unsure about consent, to the worst outright abusers.  Well-meaning (male)  Twitter pundits are asking if the #metoo movement has a path for redemption for men caught up in it.  Between the scripted and carefully legal (and non-confessional) apologies, these men made and the road to redemption is the part no one is talking about.  Repentance.
Now, I’m not talking about apologizing. We all say “I’m sorry” a hundred times a day. How often do we really mean it?  Let’s be honest.  How many of the apologies these men have made sound like anything other then they’re sorry they got caught? It’s also not them feeling sorry for themselves either.  As a Buddhist, I’m sort of in the empathy business.  Have they actually looked at the impact they had on the lives of the women they hurt?  Have they considered the damage done, personally, professionally, emotionally in a really profound way?  Have they made an attempt to do anything other than hiding and wait it out hoping the outrage will fade?
All of this had made me think a lot about penitence and redemption.  My boss is a devout Muslim and we have the best conversations. I asked him today about forgiveness and redemption.  He told me that as a Muslim you need to do two things to be forgiven for a sin or crime.  One, you must humble yourself before God and ask for forgiveness from him.  You have to let go of your ego and be honest about how you’ve hurt someone. Two, you must go and do the same to the person you’ve wronged.  You go with an open heart and humbly ask for their forgiveness.  Them forgiving you or not is not the point. It’s not about gaining anything.  You are promising God and yourself that it won’t ever happen again.
This is what we’re missing with these men. Where is the remorse?  Where are the heartfelt apologies?  If they’ve had a “come to Jesus” moment they’re not talking about it. What have they done to help the women they’ve hurt? Nothing as far as I can see.  They want to zoom right from the “I’m sorry” to the redemption without doing any of the hard ugly work that has to happen in between.  These fucked up men have made the very very selfish decision to pass on their pain to innocent women.  They have inner work to do and lots of it.  Giving them redemption without that happening does nothing to inspire them to change.  Someone asked if Louis CK needed to wander in the desert for 40 years.  Maybe or not.  What is the path for redemption for these men?  They could start by asking the women they’ve harmed for forgiveness.  Let’s start there.

So, this is what anxiety feels like…

I’m a duck.  I am the daughter of a duck.  The things that bother most people just roll off my back, like water.  Very few things upset me for any length of time and I find it easy to distract myself if they do.   I can compartmentalize my emotions and can shut them down to get shit done when I have to. Usually, when things get overwhelming I can meditate and breathe into my emotions and accept them.  Dealing with negative things in my life has been challenging, but I have always been able to manage the emotions associated with them.  I am having a very hard time doing that right now.


Why?  I have a lot of things going on at the same time for a long time.  I’m not going to go into any deep detail, but suffice it say it’s big stuff.  Sick parent, lose your job, get dumped, run out of money stuff.  Add to this I’m in the process of buying a house. ( I’m buying a house to save money. what???)  Oh, let’s not forget, I work in retail, which is a separate Hell all it’s own.  I am completely overwhelmed.  My usual strategies aren’t working right now. I feel like I have a toddler sitting on my chest. I could literally punch a nun I’m so stressed.

onto you

Well, not literally punch a nun.  I’m just feeling very out of control at the moment.  I’ve never been this anxious.  Years ago, I would have just drunk to make this go away.  I was worried and freaked out about so many things when I was young.  It was really easy to have a drink and forget my worries.  I haven’t had a drink in 14 years and have been functioning quite well without it.  I am so not used to being anxious, it’s usually the opposite I have issues with.  I have no healthy historical coping skills to fall back on.  No one gave me the manual for this!!mommy

So, I’m going to keep breathing into it.  Some of it will get better with time. Heartbreak is excruciating but finite. Papa Duck’s health crisis has calmed. I’m doing what I can to fix my financial situation..applying for jobs, buying a house, etc. I just need to stay as present as I can and be with it all. It’s horrible and uncomfortable but it’s where I need to be right now. I think the lesson is to stay and not avoid it. Or, I can go out and find a nun to punch.

dis nun




No, I Do Not Deserve “Better”

What the fuck does that even mean?  I’ve had more than one woman tell me that at the end of a relationship. My most recent two-year one ended with her saying those words to me. When my 13-year marriage ended, she told me that as well. Maybe this is supposed to salve my wounds and make me feel less stung by the rejection.  Am I supposed to walk away from these women I love whistling a happy tune?  It’s ok…I deserve better anyway! Whew…dodged that bullet!

Let me explain why this is bullshit.  First of all, it calls into question my judgment of what is a suitable partner.  Telling me this assumes I can’t decide what is best for myself. I know that’s not how they meant it.  It says far more about how they feel about themselves than it does about me.  Their intent may be a gentle one, but the reality on the other side is different. It implies that I am either unable or unwilling to see issues in the relationship. Saying “I’m no good for you,”  says that I’m incapable of seeing that for myself. It emotionally infantilizes me.  It says that I don’t have the emotional wherewithal to make healthy decisions for myself.  That I’m blind to the flaws in my partners, or in denial.  I am not.

What I am is flexible.  I try very hard to accept people, and situations exactly as they are. I am constantly looking at my own motivations and emotions to be sure I am being true to myself.  By nature, I’m very accommodating and mellow.  Very few things rile me and I can adapt to almost anything. I may bitch and moan about how much I hate change, but I can deal with it effectively.  It’s not that I’m in denial, it’s just that most shit just doesn’t bother me.  Most people aren’t like that. I am gentle and I am unassuming. Because it’s so unusual…it’s read as passivity or weakness. I’ve been called a doormat.  I’m not. I just don’t care about 90% of what my partners do. As long as you’re not hurting me, or yourself it’s fine.  You do you.

I’m not delusional.  I haven’t spent 10 years in therapy working to be so unaware of my own intentions.  I also haven’t spent so much time working with my own emotions to be blind to my partner’s.  I’ve seen the things about them that make them think I deserve better. The pain, the confusion, and the old wounds are visible. I’m aware that sometimes the reactions leveled at me aren’t mine and that I’ve poked an old wound.  I know why they don’t trust me. I know why they can’t open up. I’ve been to the places they can’t go yet. I’m not in denial of their scars or faults.  I just accept them as an integral part of who they are.  I love the entire woman….not just the pleasant fun parts.

So I don’t deserve better, whatever they think that may be.  There have been so many things about every woman I’ve been in a relationship with that I’ve loved. Each has brought the most wonderful things into my life. I have grown with each. I’ve walked away from them a far far richer person.  I have also walked away from relationships that were damaging. I am fully able to take care of myself. What has confused them, I think is that I felt love for the totality of their being.  The parts of themselves they hate or are ashamed of…I love. I love the pieces of them that they see as unlovable. Being able to do that for someone else has made it easier to love those parts of myself. Loving my partners has helped me heal myself.  There can be nothing better and it is everything that I deserve.

Our Descent Into Mehness

“This is not who we are.”  I have read this countless times over the last month or so.  When we find out Border Patrol agents are separating parents and children.  Social media explodes with umbrage and post aplenty about how this isn’t how America.  Then we find out the government seems to have “lost” over 1400 of these separated children.  There was a hashtag #wherearethechildren that was all over Twitter…for about a week.  Now, we have word that our government plans on building “tent cities” to house over 5000 children.  Camps where we can warehouse these kids, many of whom’s parents have been sent off to prison uncharged of any crime.  Outrage!  “This is not who we are.”  No, this is exactly who we are. THIS IS WHO WE ARE.

I grew up, thanks to my father, a student of history.  I learned about WWII and the Holocaust very young.  My exposure to the horrors men can visit upon one another happened when I was a child.   I sometimes feel it’s a lesson most people my age and younger haven’t learned.  We grew up in what was mostly peacetime.  Wars were far away and weren’t anything you were exposed to unless you volunteered for the military.  Unless you were from another country, you had no real understanding of what atrocities are. Those things happened in other countries. Rwanda, Bosnia, Cambodia…nothing like that could ever happen here in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.  We’re better than that.

The myth of American exceptionalism.  We are the most moral and upstanding of people.  As Reagan said, America is a shining city on a hill built and fostered by divine providence.  Manifest destiny sent out West, killing and brutalizing as we went, ordained by God to seize whatever land we could see.  We tamed the wilderness and created huge farms and great wealth on the back of slaves stolen from their homelands. Bought and sold treated like chattel to do the work these noble men would not.  We have built a great nation for ourselves. For us. Let’s not mince words here.  The exceptional American is a white American.

Yes, yes…melting pot. We’ve all heard this and it’s a lie.  Sure we are a nation of immigrants, mostly European immigrants.  I can say my foremothers are from elsewhere.  German and Scottish mostly and you cannot get much whiter than that.  My ancestors were welcomed with open arms…while at the same time the government was not allowing Chinese immigration at all.  Immigration from Latin America has also been very tightly enforced once policies were set.  As much as those on the Right would have you believe it, immigration in the US is tightly regulated. Our melting pot has a lot of one ingredient.

You see, when we think of the average typical American we think of a white one.  Everyone else is different.  The standard is white, it’s always been white.  We’ve absorbed and accepted our own superiority and exceptionalism as fact.  We’ve set up a whole system that benefits us (white supremacy).  We created that shining city on the hill, to be enjoyed by those God has ordained rule it.  This has been an undercurrent throughout our history.  This unspoken and denied racist and supremacist ideology that is in the very bones of our nation has always been lurking.  We, partly in a need to separate ourselves from the fascists we fought generations earlier, kept that in check.  We were better than that.

We’re not. We’ve let a combination of economic uncertainty and propaganda create a fear of immigrants. Constant talk of our jobs being taken, of rapists and murderers pouring over our border, has been very very effective in tapping into that slow simmering racism that underlies our society.  We are told to fear anyone different and to keep out anything we fear. Muslims are all terrorists. Latinos are all MS13 gang members, not even human but bloodthirsty animals threatening us. All are dangerous and it is imperative the government protect good (white Christian) Americans from these threats.  Fear makes people sometimes do terrible things.  If you think that’s not true, Google some Nazi propaganda about Jews and tell me if you don’t see some familiar themes.

Am I comparing America to Nazi Germany?  Yes. We like to think that Germany was this huge country just FULL of Nazis. We like to think that Hitler only came to power and that the Holocaust happened because the entire country willed it. They all went mad.  I used to think that. It had to be true, what else could explain so many people just sitting by and doing nothing?  Good people would have done something, surely.  I no longer believe that. I watch good people now as human rights are abused in their names…do nothing. I see no real protest. Everyone goes about their day to day because it doesn’t touch their lives.  The government rips feeding babies away from their mother’s breasts and we stay silent. They aren’t us so we don’t care. We sit in silence and we are complicit in the terror being committed by OUR government. They all went mad. No, it wasn’t madness that created untold death and horror…it was apathy.  For God’s sake, wake up.

evil thrives on apathy.jpg









Sympathy For The Devils

Another one. Another school shooting. It seems like we have one every week. Wait, we DO have one every week. More students have been killed so far this year then active duty Service Members in war zones.  It’s less safe to be a student in an American school then it is to be a Marine. Let that soak in. Your child is more likely to go to school and never come back than from the Army.  Yet, there are no Gold Stars for these families. These mothers live with the reality that there was no noble sacrifice by their child. Their children died for no other reason than someone was angry and had access to guns.

history repeat

So, let’s talk about empathy. What is empathy?  Here’s a definition that’s easy to understand. “Empathy is the experience of understanding another person’s thoughts, feelings, and condition from their point of view, rather than from your own. You try to imagine yourself in their place in order to understand what they are feeling or experiencing” Empathy is putting yourself in someone else’s shoes.  It’s trying to get to an answer of why someone may do something by imagining yourself as them. It a valuable way to deal with people as it keeps you from demonizing people who may act in ways you find unacceptable. It is by its very nature an analytical exercise.  It’s a way of finding understanding for the actions of another.


Empathy is NOT sympathy. They are often confused by people. Sympathy is an emotion. When you feel sorry or bad for someone that’s a sympathetic feeling. You’re not trying to find meaning, you’re feeling bad for someone’s misfortune. Sympathy is a reaction to another’s plight. They can be very much interrelated, one can lead to another. However, they are different. Sympathy is an implied reassurance of emotional support.  We send sympathy cards when people die, for example. It’s validating someone’s emotional experience as important enough to be shared by you.


Why the gobblygook about empathy and sympathy?  What does that have to do with mass shootings?  Well, I’m online reading news, as I do.  I see a couple stories about the young man who shot his classmates.  Seems he was a “quiet, but not in a creepy way” kid. He was in a dance group at his Greek Orthodox Church.  He played football, and was “instrumental in the win against their rivals”.  Why he was an All American boy!  An All American boy who walked into his school with loaded weapons and killed 10 people.


Nicholas Cruz, the Parkland FL shooter, was portrayed in the press as a poor troubled soul.  There were multiple lists of the incidents that had happened to him and how the schools and authorities had failed to react to any of them.  The overall theme was that this poor mentally ill boy never had a chance. All the red flags that were missed could have prevented this tragedy.  Feel bad for the victims, but also feel bad for this abandoned young man. We have failed him as a society, and this was the result.


On and on.  What made Dyan Roof become a killer?  Stephen Braddock went from successful businessman to mass killer, what changed him? We’re asked to understand the reasons behind what are incomprehensible acts.  I get that the more we know, the better we can predict and prevent mass shootings. Empathy is an important part of understanding what could make a person do this. Putting yourself in the shoes of someone who saw gun violence as an acceptable method of dealing with their issues is vital for prevention.

My problem is when we veer into having sympathy for them.  Nothing excuses their actions. I do not feel bad that poor Nicholas Cruz is in jail. Was he failed multiple times by the system.? Yes.  Should his very obvious emotional issues have been dealt with? Yes. Does any of that excuse what he’s done? No.  I’m troubled by the humanizing that occurs when the perpetrators of mass murder are talked about in the media. The TX shooter being rejected by a girl as an explanation for the shooting, like that explains it all.  We want a reason, especially when the killer is white.  We want an explanation as too why this person veered away from what our understanding of normal white behavior.

Now let’s compare.  Victims of white violence are treated very differently by the media. Trayvon Martin was “thug”.  The media never showed his pictures in his ROTC uniform but we all have seen him in a hoodie.  Mike Brown, shot unarmed by a white police officer, was “no angel” and the pictures used of him were unsmiling and menacing.  Eric Garner, unarmed and choked to death by a police officer, was a “career criminal”.  I could go on and on.  There is no attempt at empathy and zero attempts to garner sympathy…for VICTIMS.  In fact, they were presented in specific ways to do the opposite.  These men were shown and talked about in ways that reinforced the views of African American criminality.


We are supposed to feel bad for the white perpetrators of violence, but at the same time feel that black victims did something to deserve their treatment. The blood and mayhem caused by white mass shooters are viewed as an anomaly. We dig and dig for reasons to explain. It’s deviant. There has to be some rational explanation. If we, as white people, are morally superior, how can this happen?  This is why when we have mass shootings we talk about mental health. “They must be crazy.”  White supremacy is why when an unarmed African American is shot by police for holding a cell phone we ask “What did   he do?”  

I have empathy for mass shooters.  White supremacy, toxic masculinity and easy access to guns can be an irresistible cocktail for people who feel powerless.  I know that happy well-adjusted people do not shoot up worshipers at a Bible Study class. Something happened to make someone that, well, evil.  I understand that mass murder doesn’t occur out of the blue…something happened to make that person see that as a viable option.  I may understand the why. But they get not one bit of sympathy from me. I’m saving all my sympathy for the victims, of mass shootings and the police.




Everything Happens For A Reason? Well…

Yes and no. You’ve heard that phrase.  Hell, I say it all the time. I absolutely think it’s true.  I also absolutely think most people who use it are using it incorrectly.  Very judgy of non-judgy me, so let me explain.  Most of us drop that little philosophical pearl when not so good things happen to people.  Sort, of a variation of “God’s Will”, it’s said when bad things happen.  When you think about it, it’s really sort of a shitty thing to say at those times.  Something terrible has befallen you. You’re in shock or grief-stricken. Maybe scared or unsure how you can even go on.  You haven’t even begun to process your feelings, but no, here’s some smug asshole telling you everything happens for a reason.

reasson slap

Does everything happen for a reason? Yes, and sometimes that reason is to bring you pain.  The reason is that no one’s life is perfect and every single one of us will suffer at some point.  I know, I know…why do I always have to bring this depressing shit up?  God CB, can’t you just let me be happy?  Sure…go be happy.  Let me know how all that nonstop happiness is working for you.  I know people who say they are happy all the time. That’s a lovely place to be.  I also know these people are in total denial of their negative feelings.  It’s the “Think yourself happy” school of thought.  If I just push away any bad thoughts…I’ll have only happy ones.  Bingo!  I am happy all the time!  How do I know this?  I used to be a “happy all the time person”.


I wish I could tell you that works.  Pain and suffering are a part of life. It’s a Noble Truth and all that.  We all have it.  We can try and try to make our lives as perfect as we can.  We can set up everything as carefully as possible to make positive outcomes.  We can curate our lives and our emotions and create an oasis of positivity in this hard-hearted world.  You’re still going to have pain. Whether you inadvertently create it yourself or it spills over from someone else life, you’ll suffer.  The trick is to not push it away. You cannot deny your suffering.


It’s ok to be sad. It’s ok to be angry. Life is full of disappointing moments.  Sometimes every day is full of those moments.  It’s what you do with all those negative emotions that’s key.  Let’s look at this a different way.  If you had a sharp pain in your chest you’d see a doctor.  If you had a nagging ache in your arm…you’d get medical attention.  Physical pains are symptoms that something is wrong with your body. There is something not working correctly that needs to be addressed. Once it is, it can be healed, or at least treated.  Emotional pain is the same thing. It’s a symptom of something deeper that needs to be addressed.

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So maybe you never go to the doctor. Maybe you think you know what’s wrong, maybe you already know. Maybe you don’t want to know. You make your choice whether to treat what’s wrong. You decide if you really want to know or live in denial.  My mother died of a cancer she had self-diagnosed as “allergies”.  Whether she was unaware, or secretly knew and didn’t want to admit, who knows?  She made the decision to not treat her symptoms for too long.  We all have that choice to make when our symptoms appear.  Whether physical or emotional pain, it’s a symptom of a bigger problem we need to heal. We all decide whether we want to “know” and deal with it.

i'm fine

So. My point?  That pain is a message to take a deeper look. Dig deeper to find the root. The surface emotion is just the symptom of the core issue.  Every time you have an emotionally troubling or negative experience it’s an invitation to heal.  It’s giving you an opportunity to glimpse at the mechanisms of your suffering.  Your anguish over anything is your reaction. How you handle your bad feelings was something you learned.  You can learn how to react differently.  First, you have to be brave enough to look at the “why”.  Healing is often hard and painful in an of itself but worth the effort.  Every painful and horrible experience we have gives us the chance to heal if we can be brave enough to take it. Everything happens for a reason, whether you ignore it is up to you. Trust you’re strong enough to heal. You are.


Standards, People

And another one bites the dust.   Oh, AG Schneiderman, we hardly knew ye.  No, literally.  We didn’t know you.  Mr. Me Too.  He was the gallant knight who was going to save us damsels from the fat orange dragon come to eat us, or at least grab us by the pussies.  A hero of the Left.  One of the supposed good guys. One of the few who could take down the House of Trump. Who knew he was an abusive shitheel? We. Are. All. Just. So. Suprised.

only hope

Well, some of us are.  I wish I could say I am.  I’m not. Are we surprised when a hero of the right, Mr. Protect Marriage is caught lubing up in a bathhouse?  No, anti-gay politicians are caught being, well, gay all the time. Just because you espouse a political belief in public does not mean you can act on it in private.  Sometimes people say things they may or may not believe for political expediency’s sake.SHOCKING!

i don;t beleive me

Okay, well…let’s give him the benefit of the doubt on lying.  He may absolutely believe in the #MeToo movement.  He has proven to be a real ally with Women’s Issues.  He was a vocal advocate for abused women.  He filed a lawsuit again Miramax and Harvey Weinstein for the harassment and abuse that went on there.  He could very well be a passionate believer in the rights of women.  He can also abuse the women in his life. All of these things can reside in the same man.  He’s claiming the abuse occurred in “consensual sexual relationships”  Fine, whatever.  That’s another blog.  However, let’s assume it’s true. He’s resigned. Now is when things get tricky.  Some men on the Left and a few women are having issues with this.  Why? Here’s why.


The GOP has also got a problem with assault against women.  Let’s be honest. Men have a problem with assault against women.  The difference is being a serial groper and a douchebag doesn’t hurt your career if you’re a Republican.  Haven’t like, 18 women accused the president of assault?  He may have tiny hands, but those little fuckers are busy!  Let’s not forget everyone’s favorite peepaw pedophile Roy Moore.  Perfectly acceptable for the GOP to endorse him.  They endorsed the guy who was kicked out of a mall for creeping on the teenage girls at Hot Dog on a Stick. Seriously.

big word

So, why are lefties so mad if the GOP has pervs too?  It’s because the politicians on the left have faced real public pressure to resign and have done so.  They don’t think it’s fair that Al Franken had to resign and Trump doesn’t.  Why do our guys lose their jobs when the other side’s don’t?  Why can’t we get away with it too?  That’s basically what they’re asking. Think about that for a minute.  Why are we being punished if everyone does it?


Excuse me?  Every single instance of sexual assault is unacceptable. Every single one.  Should every abusive man face retribution for his actions? Absolutely.  Does that always happen?  Not hardly.  Is there a sliding scale based on victim count or political affiliation? No.  I think everyone who abuses another person should get help, and be punished if that’s warranted.  I really don’t care who the perpetrator is.  Get the fuck out of here with that whiny shit.  Do not try to tell me how we’re “eating our own”. Bullshit. We’re holding our own to a fucking higher standard than the other side. A standard of decency and compassion for the victims. We need to be better than they are.  “It’s not fair”  The only people any of this is not fair to are the victims. Be best.